The old system of sending men of rank to govern Jamaica, seems to be revived, and laudably too.

This island is the most important possession we hold in the West Indies, and is well entitled to any mark of distinction which the parent country can bestow upon it.

The salary and emoluments annexed to the government of Jamaica, render it the most valuable of any in the King’s gift, except that of Ireland.

Soon after the Restoration, O’Brian, third Earl of Inchiquin, was appointed Governor of Jamaica, and died in his Government.

Henry Bentinck, first Duke of Portland, was made Governor of this island in the reign of George I. His Grace died at Spanish Town, July 4th, 1736, in the 45th year of his age.

The death of these two Noblemen in their government, gave so bad an impression of the climate of Jamaica, and the insalubrity of its air, that few persons of rank and fortune have been ambitious of becoming governors of it, notwith standing the brilliancy of the appointments an nexd to the situation.

Citation: Glasgow Advertiser (Glasgow, United Kingdom), 24 August 1789, available at the Scissors and Paste Database,