Quebec, Sept. 10. The Americans, to the number of 900 men, landed and attacked Fort Michillimackinac, in Lake Huron, on the 4th August. They were repulsed by the British garrison.

The American fort la Prairie du Chiens has been taken by the British. This place was considered as of great importance to the enemy.

Major General Conran, of the Royal, has had the misfortune to break his leg, by a fall from his horse. This officer had just arrived to join the army on the Niagara frontier, when he met with this accident.

On the 31st August, the British troops broke their encampment at Odell Town, near Lake Champlain, and proceeded immediately to take possession of the position which the American army had just abandoned at the village of Champlain. This army was commanded by General Izard, and are said to have proceeded partly to Plattsburgh, and partly to Sackett’s Harbour, on Lake Ontario. The British troops now at Champlain are commanded by Major Generals Brisbane, Power, and Robinson, and consist of the 13th, 49, 88th, Meuron’s regiment, Canadian chasseurs, &c. &c.

The 79th[?] or [?] Glasgow Lowland regiment are now quartered at Cornwall, in Upper Canada.

The 4th[?] battalion of the 1st, or Royal Scots, are stationed at Quebec.

The 3rd[?], 104th flank[?] companies, 103d, 8th, or King’s, 100th, regiment de Watteville, [?] battalion of 1st, or Royal Scots, and 41st flank[?] companies are with the army under Lieutenant General Drummon, on the Niagara frontier, Upper Canada.

The 37th and 57th regiments are at Montreal.

On the 15th of August, the British troops under Lieutenant General Drummond assaulted Fort Erie. The attack was made in three columns, under Colonel Scott of the 103d regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Drummond 104th regiment, and Lieutenant Colonel Fischer of de Watteville’s. The two former were directed to scale the fort, and the latter to get possession of a small hill, named Snake-Hill, which the Americans had fortified, and being situated only about eight hundred yards from Fort Erie, was of consequence to us. This latter column failed in their object ; but the two columns destined for the fort carried the same in a most gallant manner, and obliged the enemy to retire into two stone block-houses inside the fort, when their own guns were turned against them. At this time a most unfortunate explosion took place, which blew up the magazine and battery, and with them a number of our brave soldiers ; and the consternation caused by this was so great, and we were obliged to abandon our conquest, and retreat to our original position, with great loss of both officers and men.

The large ship-building by the British at Kingston, on Lake Ontario is to be launched the second week in September– also will carry about 100 guns.

The battalion of royal marines, commanded by LieutenantColonel Williams, and which has been stationed lately at Isle au Noix, and parts adjacent, have been broken up and distributed among the fleets on the Lakes. The Staff of the battalion proceed immediately to Halifax from Quebec, in the Ceylong armed-en [?] ship.

The Junon frigate, Captain Upton, has arrived from Halifax at Quebec, with money for Government. The crew of this vessel is to be employed on the Lakes.

A brig, which sailed from Cork, under convoy of the Antelope, of 50 guns, has arrived at Quebec.–The Antelope, and the ships under convoy, are hourly expected. It is said that there are on board the ships of the latter about 4000 troops, chiefly detachments and reinforcements for the regimentsin Canada.

Captain Dowale, of the royal navy, now commands the fleet on Lake Champlain.

Citation: Caledonian Mercury (Edinburgh, United Kingdom), 15 October 1814, available at the Scissors and Paste Database,