Colonial Intelligence

Proposed New Monarchy in South America

Accounts have beenreceived from Buenos Ayres, by the Blossom sloop of War, of a curious nature.– They relate to a project said to have been in agitation for placing a Prince of the House of Bourbon at the head of an independent Sovereignty on the River Plate.– The circumstance has been brought to light by the late changes in the Government of Buenos Ayres. From the documents now published, and received by the Blossom, it appears that in June, 1819. Gomez the Envoy from Buenos Ayres, at Paris, was invited to a conference by M. De Cazes, then French Minister for Foreign Affairs, the object of which was to communicate a project of the French Cabinet for the colonsolidation of the Independent Government of South America.

This project, the French Minister observed, would meet with the decided approbation of the Continental Powers, especially Russia and Austria. Great Britain might not like it, but yet would not find any good pretence for resisting it ; and his Catholic Majesty would yield to the influence of all Europe with the better grace, as his former dependencies would be only transferred to a branch of his own family. The King of France would furnish assistance of every king, and employ every means, even to the supply of troops, for carrying the affair into execution.

On the 26th of October last, when the statement of his conference reached Buenos Ayres, Rondeau, then Director ad interim made a secret communication to the Congress, and transmitted to them the letter of the Envoy, together with the French memorial ; on the following day, and on the 3d of November, the matter was discussed in secret meetings, and the result was an[?] opinion, that the Constitution lately-sworn allowed no alteration to be made in the form of Government till after the meeting of the Chambers. That a branch of the Bourbon family, so closely connected with the reigning Monarch of Spain, was in itself an insuperable objection, as also the consideration that the Prince proposed and supported by the Powers of the European Continent, would naturally more incline towards the views of his protectors than towards those of South America, which ought to avoid all connexion with European continental politics ; and that Great Britain was the power from which South America had most to fear, and most to expect.

It was at the same time suggested, that the Envoys in Europe shoud put the communications from Paris into the hands of the British Minstry, whose good opinion and protection South America is most anxious to conciliate.

Our Cabinet has always treated the South Americans with the greatest reserve, as if feating contamination by simple contact–a delicacy towards Spanish interests and feelings which appears in itself commendable, but, when measured by the standard of national benefit, may not merit the same praise. As it is, it would seem that the British interest is likely to gain the ascendacy in the river Plate, rather through the disposition of the inhabitants, than from any influence exerted by our Ministers.

We shall only add, that thought the negotiation was carried on by the Duke de Cazes, the project did not originate with him, and did not at first apply to the Prince de Lucca. It was intended as an opening for one more nearly allied to the reigning family in France.

Citation: Aberdeen Journal (Aberdeen, United Kingdom), 12 July 1820, available at the Scissors and Paste Database,