Colonial Intelligence

Sierra Leone Gazettes to the 16th of December have been received. It is satisafactory to learn that some more effectual measures, than any before adopted by the French Government, to prevent slave trading are now in a course of execution. The French brig of war, Le Huron, of 22 guns, Commodore Du Pressit, is employed in cruizing for that purpose.

Earthquake at Zante, Jan. 8.–The last week has been a scene of horror and destruction at Zante.– At four o’clock, on the morning of the 29th of Dec. we had a violent shock of an earthquake, which lasted nearly half a minute ; this was followed by eight other shocks, between four and six o’clock, which threw down one thousand three hundred houses. Providentially, the first shock did not throw down many, so that the inhabitants had time to escape before succeeding shocks, otherwise theloss would have been dreadful. Only ten lives have been lost, but not a house in the town has escaped without some injury. The town is still in a complete state of confusion ; one thousand give hundred houses more, being so much injured as to be marked in order to be pulled down ; all the steeples in the place must be taken down. The streets are almost impassable from the fallen houses ; and great caution is required, in walking, to avoid the ruins that are still falling.

Citation: Aberdeen Journal (Aberdeen, United Kingdom), 14 March 1821, available at the Scissors and Paste Database,