Total Charge, t7,856 0 11

In January, 1823, there were 3,031 in the hulks ; 2,138 have been received since ; 1,402 have been sent to New South Wales ; and 300 to Bermuda ; 468 have been discharge by pardon or transferred to other establishments ; 3 have escaped ; 43 have died ; and 2,953 remained in the different hulks on 1st Janury last. The health of these prisoners has been good, their conduct orderly.

The Office-bearers of the Refuge for the Destitute have, during the last year, given relief to 424 persons. They have apprenticed to trades, recommended to service or employment, or restored to parents and friends, 214 individuals :–under their charge at present 154. Most of the male culprits require to be kept two years at least. The expenditure has been very considerable. Mr Peel has recommended a grant from Parliament.

As we feared, the bill introduced for the purpose of qualifying persons possessed of personal property to serve as juries contains no regulations for the more impartial striking of juries, or returning or making up of those who are to serve on each jury. There does seem to be an improvement on the form of the returns to be made by the Constables to the Sheriffs.

Citation: Scotsman (Edinburgh, United Kingdom), 06 March 1824, available at the Scissors and Paste Database,