
Wool –The accounts received in Lond from New South Wales to the 8th of January, state that the produce of the last year’s clip of wool in Australia will be greatest than that of the preceding year, and the the quality has also considerably improved. From Van Dieman’s Land it is now ascertained that the supply this year will be short, but the general quality is very superior. In the course of about a week or ten days, large arrivals of wool are looked for from New South Wales and the private contract business is expected to be very active. The public sales of wools went off on Friday very well, and at full prices. The arrivals of this week have consisted of about 708 bales, of which about 292 bales were Van Dieman’s Land wools, and the rest German. There is a steady demand, and as it is understood that the manufacturers are short of stock, the anticipations are that trade will son be greatly improved.

York Wool Market, May 23.–The market commenced here for this season this day, with only a small show of wool, and not many buyers. The holders asking very high prices caused part to be left unsold. The following are the prices ; Hogs from 18s to 19s ; Hogs and Ewes 16s 6d to 17s 6d ; Locks 11s to 12s, 6d per stone of 16lbs.

Bradford Market –The supply of Merinos in the markets on Thursday evening, was by no means equal to the demand–all qualities in six quarter wide Merinoes were eagerly bought up, and in some instances a farther advance was obtained ; three quarter wide Merinoes run much in demand, but a very scanty supply ; the advance on six quarter wide Merinoes is from 4s to 6s per piece, compared with what was given at the beginning of the year, and three quarter wide are proportionably higher. Unless a reduction takes place in the price of wool, the manufacturers state they must have a further advance.

Rochdale Flannel Market. –The market today was very lively for this season of the yar ; low goods both for white and for dyeing were of very ready sale, and in some instances a little advance was obtained ; several sales were effected in fine qualities, and if the demand proves permanent, the prospect for the coming season is very promising.

Liverpool Cotton Market. –There has been but a limited inquiry for cotton during the week ; the sales are only about 10,000 bugs, at declining prices.

Citation: Scotsman (Edinburgh, United Kingdom), 29 May 1833, available at the Scissors and Paste Database,