Highland Emigrants. –The ship ” Midlothian” has just been fitted up at Leith for the reception of Highland emigrants, which she is to take in at the Isle of Skye for Sydney, New South Wales. These emigrants are, we believw, to be carried out at a very small cost to themselves, the largest portion of the passage money being paid by Government out of the land revenue of New South Wales, which is exclusively appropriated towards the encouragement and promotion of emigration–the objects in view being, as well the relief of those districts in this country which are suffering from the want of employment and subsistence, as by the introduction into that colony of a body of well disposed and virtuous free emigrant families and individuals, the promotion of the moral welfare of the colonists generally. The emigrants will, we believe, receive employment in New South Wales as farm-servants, shepherds, overseers, &c. We had a brief inspection of the ” Midlothian” on Monday afternoon, and found it to be a very fine vessel, fitted up in a manner the most comfortable and convenient that could well be effected. She sails this afternoon from Leith to the Isle of Skye.

Citation: Scotsman (Edinburgh, United Kingdom), 09 July 1837, available at the Scissors and Paste Database, http://www.scissorsandpaste.net/269.