Richmond, January 28. Extract of a letter from a Gentleman now residing at Quebec, to his Correspondent in this City, dated Jan. 9, 1972

Our humanity was deeply affected by the dreadful carnage made by the Indians. You may be assured that the number of Indians did not exceed 1000, and that nothing saved General St. Clair, and the remainder of his army, but the great quantity of plunder he left to the Indians; they were composed of various tribes, and three-fourths of of them remained in the camp to plunder it, and to take scalps, the trophies of their victory; and he that got most when he returned to his nation, acquired the greatest share of glory; hence only about 200 pursued. The loss of the Indians is under 20 killed and 30 wounded. The victory they have obtained at so easy a purchase, and the riches they obtained by the plunder, and the provisions they found, will make them a more terrible foe than ever they have been; they boast of taking an amazing quantity of powder and arms, which they wanted; many of them were only armed with spears and hatchets, and I have no doubt but if another expedition should be set on foot, that they will be met by three times the number of Indians. The indian tribes of nations who live many hundred miles back have all entered into an association, and made the present war a common concern, they to oppose what they call the common enemy. The warriors of the different tribes so united are not less than 15 or 20,000; numbers of the chiefs of ten or twelve numerous nations were here last summer. Lord Dorchester advised them to make peace, and offered his mediations; he told them he was at peace with the United States, and could give them no assistance. Their answer was, that the enemy was in their country, and would not make peace with them, but on term dishonourable, and at the expense of their country, and that they had determined to die before they would accept of such terms. They felt much dissatisfied with the answer they received, and departed with a full determination to defend their country with the last of their blood.

You may depend on it, that many years will elapse, and many thousand men be expended before the United States will, by the present measures, be able to possess the country in contest; and I may also add, that I have great apprehensions, that desolation and destruction will be the consequence on the frontiers of the Ohio this winter and next spring; I would to God some steps might be taken to prevent them. I have no doubt the country might be purchased for one fiftieth part of the expence already incurred by the different expeditions; the attempt to take the country from them by force, is founded in unrighteousness, and ought to be abandoned; besides, if the American mean to have anytrade with them, they are taking steps that will prevent it for many years to come. The Indians do not easily forget or forgive injuries

Carlisle, Jan. 4. 1792.

By the Pittsburgh post which arrived yesterday, we are informed, that previous to his leaving Pittsburgh, an express had arrived there with the melancholy news that Forts Jefferson and Franklin were taken by Indians, and that two large bodies of them were moving to the Allighany.

Extract of a Letter from Patowmack, North Amerca, Feb. 7.

“Last Sunday evening came to this town a young man from Cat-fish, which he left about two weeks ago, and who gave us the following pleasing interesting, and important intelligence, viz, that two days before he left Cat-fish, two men arrived there from Licking, who informed, that they had been out with a body of 1300 volunteers on horseback from Kentucky, under General Scott; that they left Licking on the expedition a few days before Christmas; that General Scott dispatched three spies in advance, who, when they arrived about 13 miles beyond the spot where General St. Clair was defeated they discovered a large body of Indians diverting and enjoying themselves with the plunder they had taken, riding the bullocks, dancing, &c. and appeared to be mostly drunk; that on the information being given to General Scott, who, with the main body, were a few miles in the rear, he divided them into three divisions, advanced, and fell on the enemy by surprise; that the contest was short, but victorious, on the side of the volunteers, 700 of the enemy being killed on the spot, all the cannon and stores in their possession retaken, and the remainder of that savage body put to flight; that General Scott, having lost but six men, returned to Licking in triumph, with most of the cattle, stores, &c. leaving the cannon at Fort Jefferson; that General Scott had previously gone out with 400 men, but finding his number was insufficient, was returning but met a body of 900 volunteers when, upon joining him, he immediately proceeded in prosecution of his original design which fortunately proved successful.

“Our informant further adds, that he saw a Kentucky newspaper of the 8th of January, at Morgan Town, brought by Major Scott’s expedition, which corresponded with that given by the two men at Cat Fish, and that Gen. Scott brought in near 700 scalps.”

Citation: Glasgow Advertiser (Glasgow, United Kingdom), 27 April 1792, available at the Scissors and Paste Database,