Mr. Ephraim Daniel, of Baker’s-row, Mileend, received the following letter from a friend in Holland last week:

“Sir, your friend L–y, who is just come here from the East Indies, desires me to inform you, that your unfortunate relation who left you with the transports for Botany Bay, was well in February last. He has settled at Port Jackson, and has leave to teach the children of some of your nation to read and write in your own way. The place is much improved since you ahve had any letters form it, as there was no person without a habitation, and being in some order, when he left it. Except wearing apparel, very little is wanting but business ; but you may thank the Dutch at Batavia for it, as they have brought several useful things there. The last crops of corn, and the garden grounds, were in very good condition : and what makes the settlement more convenient, one of the people who came in the first fleet makes all forts of earthn ware for use and ornament, as the clay is equally good as that of Delft or elsewhere. He was surprised to see so many people without hats or shoes, and houses without windows, and full of wicker and rush furniture, which is used in the place of almost every thing else. If the smiths had a plentiful supply of coal and iron, hardly any utensils would be wanting. Your nephew has two children, and says all that are born there are very healthy, and more born than are buried or executed of grown people. The Christians Church was quite finished before he came away ; and he thinks if there were enough of your people, they might have a place to themselves. The farthest of the lines was seldom visited by the savages ; and it was reported when he came away, that as soon as more troops and a new Governor comes over, they would go farther than ever up the country, when some valuable discovers are expected to be made ; they have a gum which may be used for gum arabic, which is veyr useful. He expects several of your people will go from Batavia to settle there very soon ; and wonders a way for sending old clothes is not yet found out. Norfolk Island is os thinly inhabited, that it is not worth a stranger’s while to land there ; and as little is said about it there, as if it was as far off as Europe, &c. &c.

Citation: Glasgow Advertiser (Glasgow, United Kingdom), 11 December 1789, available at the Scissors and Paste Database,