Halifax, April 6.

The late violent rains have done much damage in the country:–The bridge at Sackville is nearly torn down, and the Mill there is much injured: the Bridge at Nine Mills River is partly carried away; and the different roads and causeways are supposed to have suffered more than 2000l. will repair.

Since the retreat of the f–eral troops, under General Harmar, the Miami Indians have committed unparalleled cruelties. A large body of them, on the 2d of February, attacked the settlements called Big Bottom, twenty miles from Harman, on the Muilsingam, which they entirely destroyed. Eleven men and two children were massacred, two escaped and three were taken prisoners.


The amount of the value of theexports from the United States, for thirteen months, agreeable to an estimate made at the Office of the Treasury, in 20,000,000 dollars.

The greatest apprehensions are entertained of an invasion from our savage neighbours; as accounts from Philadelphia state, that there has been a confederation of all the South West Indians to fall on our frontiers early in the spring.

Similiar apprehensions have driven the inhabitants in the country of Marcetta, from their plantations into the city, where they do military duty.

According to the late Census, the number of inhabitants in this commonwealth is 470,000.

Philadelphia, April 7. Congress met here to-day and made a house, Articles of the Constitution, that were not liked by many of us, are altered much for the better– among other things, we were dissatisfied that not any notice was taken of Religion, as we wanted it expressly declared, that not any sect should ever be established in preference to another.–This is now done. In this part of the world we know not any thing of Toleration–all are equally free.

It is said we have land for upwards of an hundred millions of people; we are yet about three, so that,for sometime we have have not any great cause to fight for territory.

Citation: Glasgow Advertiser (Glasgow, United Kingdom), 09 May 1791, available at the Scissors and Paste Database, http://www.scissorsandpaste.net/335.