Letters from Alexandria, in Virginia, dated the 9th May last, mention, that General Wayne had been dispatched, in the beginning of March, on an expedition against the Cherokee Miamis and Chickesau Indians, who have, for some time past, had as their chief warrior, one Macgillivray, a Scotchman, who has long resided among these Indians. General Wayne, at the head of two thousand Provincials, had completely routed them after a great slaughter. After the battle, Macgillivray and his savages took refuge in the woods. General Wayne has destroyed the most part of the habitation of these Indians in the extent of 200 English miles along the river, which is the boundary of Georgia, after which he returned to Savannah. This defeat is so total, that it will put it out of the power of these Indians to be again troublesome to the State of Virginia.

Citation: Glasgow Advertiser (Glasgow, United Kingdom), 12 July 1790, available at the Scissors and Paste Database, http://www.scissorsandpaste.net/342.