Extract of a letter from London, Sept. 24.

??? the new duties established by Congress ??? on goods are the same through all the ??? States, are so trifling are they in comparison of the taxes placed in any part of Europe on goods imported from Britain–many are only a 1-half per cent, and the highest ??? percent. Some very few articles excepted ??? clearly point out, that without British ??? customs they cannot subsist. Our merchants ???ly are exporting immense quantities of these to the Thirteen United States, not only from London, but from Liverpool, Bristol, &c. it is doubtful but that many of the adventurers ???de may be obliged to bring back their ??? sell them far below their cost in England and thereby ruin themselves.–It is a pity Government could put a stop to these exports ??? when they exceed the consumption of ???

Citation: Glasgow Advertiser (Glasgow, United Kingdom), 28 September 1789, available at the Scissors and Paste Database, http://www.scissorsandpaste.net/382.