Our latest accounts from the West Indies say, that no supply from the islands, either of wheat or flour, can possibly be obtained from the American states in consequence of the great bounties given by his Most Christian Majesty on these articles. Our charity, therefore, if we have any of these articles to spare, must be first extended to our own Colonies ; and we cannot be surprised, particularly when we consider the present price of bread at home, that no assistance can be given at present, either to the French or Dutch.

The crops in the island of Jamaica promise a most plentiful harvest, except to the eastward, which ahs generally been considered as the most productive part.

By the Westmoreland, just arrived from Jamaica, we learn that the slaves have become mutinous to an alarming degree, ever since they were made acquainted with the intended abolition of the Slave Trade.

Citation: Glasgow Advertiser (Glasgow, United Kingdom), 13 July 1789, available at the Scissors and Paste Database, http://www.scissorsandpaste.net/4.