Australian Trust Company, Incorporated by Royal Charter, No. 48 Moorgate Street, London. Capital t1,000,00, in 10,000 shares of t100 each, with power to increase the capital to t2,000,000. Directors. Chairman– John Abel Smith, Esq., M.P. Levi Ames, Esq. . Robert How, Esq. Henry Bainbridge, . Esq. John Innes, Esq. Thomas Byron, jun., Esq. . Francis …

We have received a copy of a Series of Resolutions passed, on the 23d of October 1840, by the Legislative Council of New South Wales, on the subject of immigration into colony. The object of these resolutions is to encourage emigration from the mother country, by showing the demand for labour in New South Wales, …

Emigration to New Zealand. –On Friday the Tyne left the London Dock, and proceeded down the river on her voyage to Port Nicholson, New Zealand. The Tyne is a fine new vessel, and she takes out 50 mechanics and labourers, with their families, from the Emigration Depot at Deptford, besides a number of other passengers, …

On Monday a discussion of some interest took place in the House of Commons relative to the affairs of South Australia. Owing to certain defects in its government, that colony has fallen into a state of financial embarassment requiring immediate relief. Lord John Russell traced the history of the settlement from its foundation, and stated …

Deputation of Distressed Weavers. –The distress of the Paisley weavers has caused them to send a deputation to London, which, on Tuesday, waited on Lord John Russell, to solicit the means of transporting themselves out of the ungrateful country which has been enriched by their toils, and, in return, refuses them the means of subsistence. …

Emigration to New Zealand– The Chartists Again. ( From the Glasgow Argus.. On Monday night a public meeting, chiefly composed of the working classes, was held in the Justiciary Court Hall, Glasgow, for the purpose of memorializing Lord John Russell in favour of obtaining the Lord Provost in the chair. The hall was crowded to …

New South Wales Mr Grote rose to move a series of resolutions in condemnation of the application of a part of the Land and Emigration Fund of New South Wales to the maintenance of gaols and police in that colony. It was in 1831 that this expense, antecedently borne by the Home Government, was for …

William, The Missionary. –The sum already subscribed for the widow and family of this deeply lamented individual amounts to t1658, 18s. 10d. Amongst the subscriptions we notice t32 from the Wesleyan Chapel at Adelaide, South Australia. Citation: Scotsman (Edinburgh, United Kingdom), 28 October 1840, available at the Scissors and Paste Database,

Emigration. –There are at present at the port of London alone no fewer than twenty-three vessels on the berth taking in goods and passengers for Sydney, New South Wales ; eight for Hobart Town and Lan[?]ceston ; four for Port-Philip, and give for South Australia ; being a greater number of emigrant ships for the …

New Zealand Company A very lively and interesting scene occurred on Friday, off the West India Dock entrance, at Blackwall, by the preparation for departure of three fine vessels with “improvers” for “Nelson,” the second colony of New Zealand. The Directors of the Company and several hundred persons of rank and wealth met there to …