Emigration. –There are at present at the port of London alone no fewer than twenty-three vessels on the berth taking in goods and passengers for Sydney, New South Wales ; eight for Hobart Town and Lan[?]ceston ; four for Port-Philip, and give for South Australia ; being a greater number of emigrant ships for the …

Commission of the General Assembly On Wednesday, the Commission of Assembly met in the Tolbooth Church–Dr Muir, Moderator, in the chair. The Presbyterian Church in New South Wales. –The Moderator recalled to the notice of the Commission, that on a former meeting, they had directed him to write to Lord Glenelg, Secretary for the Colonies, …

Collision at Sea. –We are sorry to learn that the fine new ship Palmyra, which sailed from Greenock on her first voyage for Sydney, New South Wales, on Wednesday week, having a large number of respectable emigrants on board, came in dreadful collision when at sea, on Sunday evening, with another vessel, and had her …

The King of Prussia and his Catholic Sub- jects. –The German Courier in an article date Berlin, 5th instant, refers to the late arrests in Posen, and accuses the Catholic clergy of stimulating their flocks to revolt. The Prussian Government had, in consequence, increased its exertions to conciliate the Court of Rome, in hopes that …

Daryanthus Excelsa –This most magnificent and gigantic plant is now in full bloom in one of the hothouses at Dunkeld gardens. It is a native of New South Wales, and to be met with in this country in very few collections–this being the third plant of the kind that has flowered in Great Britain. It …

The ship St Mungo, Captain Robert Smith Orr, sailed from Leith Roads on Thursday forenoon last, bound to Port Philip and Sydney, New South Wales, having on board fifty-eight passengers, chiefly settlers for the former of these settlements. Citation: Scotsman (Edinburgh, United Kingdom), 10 July 1839, available at the Scissors and Paste Database, http://www.scissorsandpaste.net/279.

The Wesleyan Mission Ship. –The Committee of this Society have purchased a vessel, to be employed exclusively under their direction in conveying missionaries and stores between the colonies of New South Wales and Van Dieman’s Land, the Friendly Islands, the Fejees, and other groups and islands of the Great South Pacific Ocean. Citation: Scotsman (Edinburgh, …

Colonel Wyndham has sent out a commission to Canada to purchase an estate of 10,000 acres, and intends furnishing the same assistance to persons desirous of emigrating from his estates to Australia and Canada, as was given by the late Earl of Egremont.– Morning Herald. Citation: Scotsman (Edinburgh, United Kingdom), 03 April 1839, available at …

Emigration to South Australia, –On Saturday last, about twenty-five persons, male and female, left this town and neighbourhood, under the direction of Mr G. Rae, agent for her Majesty’s Colonisation Commissioners for South Australia, and sailed that afternoon from Leith to London, to be there embarked on board the Lloyds, and were to sail for …

New Zealand. –A vessel selected to carry out emigrants to New Zealand, under the auspices of a company formed in this country, will sail in about a fortnight. She is called the Tory, and measures about 480 tons. A dejeuner was given on Saturday by the proprietors on board, in the West India Docks, at …