United States, June 4, 1794. Gentlemen of the Senate, and of the House of Representatives, Lay before Congress the copy of a letter, with its enclosure, from the Secretary of State to the Minister Plenipotentiary of his Britannic Majesty; it being an answer to a letter from the Mnister to him; bearing date the 22 …

Message from General Washington to Congress, May 21. “Gentlemen of the Senate, and of the House of Representatives, “I lay before you certain information, whereby it would appear that some encroachment as about to be made on our territory, by an Officer and party of British troops. Proceeding upon a supposition of the authenticity of …

Philadelphia, June 3. [ Authentic.] Copy of a letter from General Wilkins, to Col. C. Biddl, dated Pittsburgh, 23 d May, 1794. “I this moment received yours of the 17th inst. I arrived about fifteen minutes ago from Le Boeuf, and left the detachment there well covered, and in good spirits. They have built, under …

American papers are received, dated October, 4. 1794. They contain two letters from General Wayne to the American Secretary at War, giving an account of a severe action he had with the Indi ans, who were assisted by the volunteers and militia of Detroit on the 20th August, on the banks of the Miamis, in …

Extract of a letter from London, Sept. 24. ??? the new duties established by Congress ??? on goods are the same through all the ??? States, are so trifling are they in comparison of the taxes placed in any part of Europe on goods imported from Britain–many are only a 1-half per cent, and the …

The American Congress have laid on port duties, which may be deemed moderate in several particulars, when compared to those of most of the European kingdoms and cities, and in many instances are much less than heretofore imposed by the Provincial Assemblies. This may be hugly prudent in a republic which is courting commerce for …

A letter from New-York has the following paragraph: “It is reported here, and pretty generely credited, that a Commercial Treaty will early in the next year be proposed to Great Britain; it is all object on which the hopes of many are fixed.” Citation: Glasgow Advertiser (Glasgow, United Kingdom), 25 September 1789, available at the …

Each day brings additional strength to the report of a rupture with America. The representtations which have been very forcibly urged by the American Minister, Mr. Pickney, include various topics of complaint. Amongst these are, the withholding of the poste of Niagara, Detroit, &c. in violation of the treat of 1783; the exciting of of …

Extracts from the New-York Daily Advertiser. Pittsburgh, Sept. 7. SUNDAY last arrived an express in this town from the commissioners who were sent to treat with the Indians: he had left the commissioners on this side of Lake Erie, that day eight days. They had been met at Niagara by Indian commissioners, and with them …

FEDERAL LEGISLATURE. House of Representatives. Dec. 3. THE Secretary of the Senate announced, that the Members of the Senate were ready to admit the Members of the House of Representatives in the Senate Chamber, in order to receive the President’s communication. FELLOW-CITIZENS OF THE SENATE AND OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Since the commencement of …