Philadelphia, June 1. We are informed that in consequence of instructions from the Executive Council of the United States to the Attorney for the District of Penn sylvania, prosecutions have been instituted against John Singleterry and Gideon Henfield, charged with violating their duty as Citizens of the United States, entering on board the armed schooner …

A great number of white people and white families have been killed and scalped by the Indians in the back settlements of America. Among the killed and scalped is Mr. Pugh, son of Colonel Pugh. The Indians are determined on war with the Americans. They are headed by Gilpin, the successor of M’Gillivray, and have …

Knoxville, May 11. I T is shocking to describe the bloody scenes that have lately taken place in this district. The Indians have killed and scalped a great number of persons, among whom is Colonel Isaac Bledose, who was massacred within 150 yards of his own house. On the 27th instant a body of Indians …

Upper Canada York, July, 28. Yesterday, at an early hour, his Honour, Isaac Brock, Esq. administering the Government of Upper Canada, and Major-General, commanding his Majesty’s forces therein, arrived at this place from Fort-George, and accompanied by a numerous suite proceeded to the Government Building at four p.m. when he opened the present extra session …

Extract of a letter from Montreal Sept. 25 “Our Friend Mr – arrived in town from New York a few days ago. On his way he passed three days at Plattsburgh, the head-quarters of the American army, which, from ocular observation, he states to consist of 8 or 10,000 men, under the command of General …

(From the Quebec Mercury.) Attack on Fort Schlosser. Head-quarters, Kingston, July 13. By accounts from the army under Major-General De Rottenburg, dated the 9th instant, the following particulars have been received of a bold and successful attempt to surprise the American post at Fort Schlosser. In the night of the 4th instant, a party, consisting …

The following letter received in town, gives a description of the wanton and barbarous conduct of the American army, in destroying a settlement of the Moravian missionaries, in their late irruption into province:– “Yesterday I received a very afflicting account from North America, by a letter from New York, dated Dec. 27 1813, concerning a …

As the following Speech of Gen. Washington at the opening of the Congress of the United States at New York, Nov. 6 1792, gives an impartial account of the situation of tha country, we are persuaded it will be found not unentertaining to our readers. Fellow Citizens of the Senate, and of the House of …

We have this day received Quebec newspapers down to the 24th May, from which the following is extracted:– Quebec, May 20. We hear late accounts from Niagara mention, that the Indians in that quarter are much alarmed in consequence of a message said to be received by them from the States, that they had now …

By recent letters from America we learn, that the Congress of the nited States, after warm debates in both Houses, particularly in that of the Representatives, passed an act for the purpose of fixing permanently their seat of Government at German Town in Pennsylvania. The two new provinces in North America, Kentucky and Vermont, whose …